Japanese Matcha Tea Bags 25pk
Japanese Matcha Tea Bags 25pk

Price:   $11.95

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Matcha is an antioxidant powerhouse which is rich in vitamins and minerals.

You have heard of super foods, and now you can enjoy a super tea, MATCHA. Before harvest, matcha bushes are covered to prevent direct sunlight. This slows growth, stimulates an increase in chlorophyll levels and causes the production of amino acids. Only the finest buds are handpicked and the tea is stone ground. The result is the distinct green antioxidant matcha powder.

Kintra Foods offers 100% matcha powder and two convenient matcha teas for you to enjoy, Matcha Chai and Match Green.

Ingredients: Japanese Premium Matcha Tea (30%) and Formosan Green Tea.

  • Barcode: 9341709000573
  • SKU: KR27
  • This product is GST Free
  • Shipping Weight: 0.22kg




Kintra Foods



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This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 29 October, 2020.