Eschscholzia californica (gold). Positive qualities: Radiant heart-centered spirituality; strong interior alignment for values and choices. Patterns of imbalance: Attachment to illusion or grandeur, superficial spirituality or fantasy, external glamour or escapism through psychedelic drugs or other out-of-body activities.
Rosa californica (pink). Positive qualities: Love for the Earth and for human life, enthusiasm for doing and serving. Patterns of imbalance: Apathy, resignation, pronounced passivity; inability to catalyze will forces through the heart.
Zantedeschia aethiopica (white/yellow). Positive qualities: Clarity about sexual identity, sexual self-acceptance; individualized integration of masculine and feminine qualities. Patterns of imbalance: Confusion or ambivalence about sexual identity or gender; wounding due to cultural gender bias.
Matricaria recutita (white/yellow center). Positive qualities: Serene, sun-like disposition, emotional balance. Patterns of imbalance: Easily upset, moody and irritable, inability to release emotional tension, especially in the stomach or solar plexus.
Chrysanthemum morifolium (red-brown). Positive qualities: Able to distinguish higher spiritual identity from temporal personality; transpersonal and transcendent soul expression. Patterns of imbalance: Fear of aging and mortality, over-attachment to temporal personality; healing crisis due to materialistic focus of the soul.
Zea mays (yellow-white). Positive qualities: Alignment with the Earth, especially through the body and feet; grounded presence. Patterns of imbalance: Inability to stay centered in the body; disorientation and stress, particularly in urban or crowded environments.
Taraxacum officinale (yellow). Positive qualities: Dynamic physical energy and expressive life force; inner ease in work and play. Patterns of imbalance: Tense, rigid or stiff, especially in the musculature of the body; over-striving and hard-driving.
Ceanothus integerrimus (white). Positive qualities: Gentle purity and clarity of purpose; motives and actions that are allied with one's true feelings. Patterns of imbalance: Mixed or conflicting motives; dishonest or polite responses not based upon genuine feelings.
Ceanothus integerrimus (white). Positive qualities: Gentle purity and clarity of purpose; motives and actions that are allied with one's true feelings. Patterns of imbalance: Mixed or conflicting motives; dishonest or polite responses not based upon genuine feelings.
Anethum graveolens (yellow). Positive qualities: Ability to experience and absorb a wide variety of sensory experiences, heightened awareness of taste, touch, hearing, sight, smell, etc. Patterns of imbalance: Overwhelm due to excess stimulation, hypersensitivity to environment or to outer activity, sensory congestion.
Cornus nuttallii (yellow/whitebracts). Positive qualities: Grace-filled movement, physical and etheric harmony in the body. Patterns of imbalance: Awkward and painful awareness of the body; latent emotional trauma or abuse affecting the body, accident prone.
Echinacea purpurea (pink/purple). Positive qualities: Core integrity and immunity, maintaining a strong sense of Self, especially when challenged by stress or disease. Patterns of imbalance: Shattered by severe trauma or abuse; physical or emotional disintegration of Self Identity; poor immune function; vacant presence.
Erythronium purpurascens (yellow with purple). Positive qualities: Involvement in the social fabric of the world; ability to share one's spiritual gifts with others. Patterns of imbalance: Withdrawal, isolation, self-protection; overly delicate or mystical, lacking the inner strength to participate in community and family.
Erodium cicutarium (violet). Positive qualities: Star-like vision, a cosmic overview which holds the events of ordinary life in perspective. Patterns of imbalance: Obsessive worry and compulsion about minor events; unable to gain a wider perspective in daily life; hyper-focus on small details.
Myosotis sylvatica (blue). Positive qualities: Awareness of karmic connections in one's personal relationships and with those in the spiritual world; deep mindfulness of subtle realms; soul-based relationships. Patterns of imbalance: Lack of connection with souls in the spiritual world; loneliness and isolation due to death of a loved one; soul myopia.
Fuchsia magellanica (red/purple). Positive qualities: Genuine emotional vitality, ability to express intense feelings. Patterns of imbalance: Hyper-emotionality or hysteria that masks deeply-seated pain and trauma; misdirected psychosomatic responses to pain and stress.
The FES Quintessentials flower essences are liquid potentized extracts derived from flowers grown in the Biodynamic gardens at Terra Flora, or pristine wildflower habitats. Created in 'Nature's laboratory' through a careful orchestration of the four elements of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire, FES essences combine the fifth quintessential element of the sensitive attunement and awareness of the...
Achillea filipendulina (yellow). Positive qualities: Remaining open to others while staying self-contained; active social involvement which preserves inner equilibrium. Patterns of imbalance: Over-sensitivity to one's social surroundings, resulting in social isolation, or a false social persona; dependence on drugs for protection or social masking.
Solidago californica (yellow). Positive qualities: Strong and secure sense of individuality, balanced with group or social consciousness. Patterns of imbalance: Overly influenced by group or cultural ties; inability to be true to oneself, easily susceptible to peer pressure or external social demands.