Flower Essences

Property categories: Flower Essences

Product Image Item Name- Price
Bach Flower Remedies Rescue Pastilles (Original Elderflower) 50g

Bach Flower Remedies Rescue Pastilles (Original Elderflower) 50g

Bach Rescue Pastilles are tasty candy especially formulated using the Original Bach Flower Remedy formula for use by the whole family, including children. Dr. Bach formulated Rescue Remedy nearly a hundred years ago, yet never before has it been more relevant with millions of people relying on Rescue Remedy throughout the world to get themselves through the complications and shocks of life....

Bach Flower Remedies Rescue Pastilles Blackcurrant 50g

Bach Flower Remedies Rescue Pastilles Blackcurrant 50g

Bach Rescue Pastilles are tasty candy especially formulated using the Original Bach Flower Remedy formula for use by the whole family, including children. Dr. Bach formulated Rescue Remedy nearly a hundred years ago, yet never before has it been more relevant with millions of people relying on Rescue Remedy throughout the world to get themselves through the complications and shocks of life. ...

Bach Flower Remedies Rescue Pastilles Cranberry 50g

Bach Flower Remedies Rescue Pastilles Cranberry 50g

Bach Rescue Pastilles are tasty candy especially formulated using the Original Bach Flower Remedy formula for use by the whole family, including children. Dr. Bach formulated Rescue Remedy nearly a hundred years ago, yet never before has it been more relevant with millions of people relying on Rescue Remedy throughout the world to get themselves through the complications and shocks of life. ...

Bach Flower Remedies Rescue Remedy Drops 20ml

Bach Flower Remedies Rescue Remedy Drops 20ml

Rescue Remedy has been used successfully on stressful days where we suffer from anxiety, impatience, tension and pressure. It has also been used successfully with children to calm a tantrum, and aid a person that is nervous for a speech or job interview. Rescue Remedy helps us relax, get focused and attain the needed calmness for our daily lives. Many people carry the Rescue Remedy in their...

Bach Flower Remedies Rescue Remedy Spray 20ml

Bach Flower Remedies Rescue Remedy Spray 20ml

Rescue Remedy Spray has been used successfully on stressful days where we suffer from impatience, tension and pressure. It has also been used successfully with children to stop a tantrum, before a speech or job interview. Rescue Remedy helps us relax, get focused and get the needed calmness. Many people chose to carry Rescue Remedy Spray in their purse, at the office, in the car or in the diaper...

Bach Flower Remedies Rescue Sleep Drops 10ml

Bach Flower Remedies Rescue Sleep Drops 10ml

Rescue Sleep Drops Rescue Sleep is a natural sleep aid made from 6 of the original Bach Flower Remedies which remove stress, irritation, and worries. When our emotions are at peace sleep comes natural without drowsiness the following morning. Active Ingredients: White Chestnut: To help ease restless mind. Star of Bethlehem: For trauma and shock. Clematis: For the tendency to "pass out", and...

Bach Flower Remedies Rescue Sleep Spray 20ml

Bach Flower Remedies Rescue Sleep Spray 20ml

Rescue Sleep Spray  Rescue Sleep is a natural sleep aid made from 6 of the original Bach Flower Remedies which remove stress, irritation, and worries. When our emotions are at peace sleep comes natural without drowsiness the following morning. Active Ingredients: White Chestnut: To help ease restless mind. Star of Bethlehem: For trauma and shock. Clematis: For the tendency to "pass out", and...

FES Affirm a Flower Cards: Bach Flower Essences x 39 Set

FES Affirm a Flower Cards: Bach Flower Essences x 39 Set

Beautiful photographs of and affirmations for 39 English/Bach essence flowers - photos by Julian Barnard, Richard Katz, and Beat Ernst, text by Patricia Kaminski.

FES Affirm a Flower Cards: Complete Set of Quintessentials, Range of Light & Bach x 202 Set

FES Affirm a Flower Cards: Complete Set of Quintessentials, Range of Light & Bach x 202 Set

Complete set of 39 Bach essences, 48 Range of Light flowers, and 12 Flourish flower essence formulas, all in one alphabetical arrangement, in a beautiful birch wood card holder - photos by Richard Katz, text by Patricia Kaminski.

FES Kit Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence 7.5ml x 48 Pack

FES Kit Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence 7.5ml x 48 Pack

The Range of Light kit consists of 48 extraordinary flower essences. They are prepared throughout the bio-region of the Sierra Nevada Range of Light, including its magnificent alpine mountain peaks and all that flows from these heights to create lava and granite outcroppings, verdant woodlands and oak savannahs, fertile river valleys, stunning coastal regions and pristine deserts. Also included...

FES Organic (YES Formula) Yarrow Environmental Solution 30ml

FES Organic (YES Formula) Yarrow Environmental Solution 30ml

A mixture of Yarrow, Pink Yarrow, Golden Yarrow, Arnica, and Echinacea flower essences, along with herbal tinctures of Yarrow and Echinacea, in a sea salt water base; preserved with grape alcohol.

FES Organic (YES Formula) Yarrow Environmental Solution 7.5ml

FES Organic (YES Formula) Yarrow Environmental Solution 7.5ml

A mixture of Yarrow, Pink Yarrow, Golden Yarrow, Arnica, and Echinacea flower essences, along with herbal tinctures of Yarrow and Echinacea, in a sea salt water base; preserved with grape alcohol.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Aloe Vera 30ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Aloe Vera 30ml

Aloe vera (yellow). Positive qualities: Creative activity integrated with vital life-energy, active expression of soul fire. Patterns of imbalance : Over-emphasis of will forces or creative fervor; “burned-out” or workaholic syndrome.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Alpine Lily 30ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Alpine Lily 30ml

 Lilium parvum (red-orange). Positive qualities: Radiant and self-assured feminine identity, physical presence grounded in the female body. Patterns of imbalance: Artificial or disembodied feminine self, lack of connection and awareness of female body, rejection of female organs as“lower”.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Alpine Lily 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Alpine Lily 7.5ml

The FES Quintessentials flower essences are liquid potentized extracts derived from flowers grown in the Biodynamic gardens at Terra Flora, or pristine wildflower habitats. Created in 'Nature's laboratory' through a careful orchestration of the four elements of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire, FES essences combine the fifth quintessential element of the sensitive attunement and awareness of the...

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Angelica 30ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Angelica 30ml

 Angelica archangelica (white). Positive qualities: Feeling protection and guidance from spiritual beings, especially during threshold experiences such as birth and death, or other life passages. Patterns of imbalance: Feeling cut off, bereft of spiritual guidance and protection; spiritual orphan.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Arnica 30ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Arnica 30ml

The FES Quintessentials flower essences are liquid potentized extracts derived from flowers grown in the Biodynamic gardens at Terra Flora, or pristine wildflower habitats. Created in 'Nature's laboratory' through a careful orchestration of the four elements of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire, FES essences combine the fifth quintessential element of the sensitive attunement and awareness of the...

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Arnica 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Arnica 7.5ml

 Arnica mollis (yellow). Positive qualities: Conscious embodiment, despite emergency or stress; recovery from deep-seated strain, post-trauma, or scarring. Patterns of imbalance: Disconnection of Higher Self from body during shock or trauma; disassociation, unconsciousness, dysfunction or latent illness deriving from past trauma.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Baby Blue Eyes 30ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Baby Blue Eyes 30ml

The FES Quintessentials flower essences are liquid potentized extracts derived from flowers grown in the Biodynamic gardens at Terra Flora, or pristine wildflower habitats. Created in 'Nature's laboratory' through a careful orchestration of the four elements of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire, FES essences combine the fifth quintessential element of the sensitive attunement and awareness of the...

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Baby Blue Eyes 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Baby Blue Eyes 7.5ml

 Nemophila menziesii (light blue). Positive qualities: Childlike innocence and trust; feeling supported and loved, especially by male figures; faith in the providence of spiritual beings. Patterns of imbalance: Defensiveness, insecurity, mistrust of others; estrangement from higher spiritual authority; lack of support from the father or other masculine influences in childhood.