Flower Essences

Property categories: Flower Essences

Product Image Item Name- Price
FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Yarrow 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Yarrow 7.5ml

Achillea millefolium (white). Positive qualities: Luminous and strong auric field, compassionate and inclusive sensitivity, refined and flexible psychic forces. Patterns of imbalance: Extreme vulnerability to others and to the environment; easily depleted, overly absorbent of negative influences, psychic toxicity.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Yellow Star Tulip 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Yellow Star Tulip 7.5ml

Calochortus monophyllus (yellow). Positive qualities: Empathetic receptivity to the feelings and experiences of others; compassionate response based upon social awareness. Patterns of imbalance: Insensitivity to the sufferings of others; lack of perception for the consequences of one's actions on others.

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Yerba Santa 7.5ml

FES Organic Quintessentials Flower Essence Yerba Santa 7.5ml

Eriodictyon californicum (violet). Positive qualities: Free-flowing emotion, ability to harmonize breathing with feeling; capacity to express a full range of human emotions, especially pain and sadness; positive melancholy and soul depth. Patterns of imbalance: Constricted feelings, particularly in the heart and lungs; internalized grief and melancholy, deeply repressed emotions.

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Cherry 7.5ml

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Cherry 7.5ml

Prunus avium. Positive qualities: Youthful joy and exuberance, feelings of innocence and openness; celebrating the threshold of adolescence; healing and integration of painful experiences in adolescence Patterns of imbalance: Toxic blood or related skin conditions such as acne; loss of innocence, hope or youthful outlook on life; traumatic life experiences in adolescence that continue to plague...

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Chocolate Lily 7.5ml

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Chocolate Lily 7.5ml

Fritillaria biflora. Positive qualities: Embodiment and acceptance of basic metabolic functions, especially the reproductive and elimination systems of the body Patterns of imbalance: lack of awareness of metabolic functions, aversion for eliminative functions of the body; revulsion for menstruation, lactation; difficulty with elimination, poor intestinal function or blockages.

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Downy Avens 7.5ml

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Downy Avens 7.5ml

<br>FES receives many inquiries about the status of the research essences. They are so designated because they are not yet sufficiently researched to be included in the Flower Essence Repertory. Flower essences are on the leading edge of holistic therapy, and careful field research and case documentation is extremely important for the continued development of this new approach to mind-body...

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Explorer's Gentian 7.5ml

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Explorer's Gentian 7.5ml

The Range of Light consists of 48 extraordinary flower essences. They are prepared throughout the bio-region of the Sierra Nevada Range of Light, including its magnificent alpine mountain peaks and all that flows from these heights to create lava and granite outcroppings, verdant woodlands and oak savannahs, fertile river valleys, stunning coastal regions and pristine deserts. Also included as a...

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Green Cross Gentian 7.5ml

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Green Cross Gentian 7.5ml

The Range of Light consists of 48 extraordinary flower essences. They are prepared throughout the bio-region of the Sierra Nevada Range of Light, including its magnificent alpine mountain peaks and all that flows from these heights to create lava and granite outcroppings, verdant woodlands and oak savannahs, fertile river valleys, stunning coastal regions and pristine deserts. Also included as a...

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Lady's Mantle 7.5ml

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Lady's Mantle 7.5ml

The Range of Light consists of 48 extraordinary flower essences. They are prepared throughout the bio-region of the Sierra Nevada Range of Light, including its magnificent alpine mountain peaks and all that flows from these heights to create lava and granite outcroppings, verdant woodlands and oak savannahs, fertile river valleys, stunning coastal regions and pristine deserts. Also included as a...

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Lemon 7.5ml

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Lemon 7.5ml

The Range of Light consists of 48 extraordinary flower essences. They are prepared throughout the bio-region of the Sierra Nevada Range of Light, including its magnificent alpine mountain peaks and all that flows from these heights to create lava and granite outcroppings, verdant woodlands and oak savannahs, fertile river valleys, stunning coastal regions and pristine deserts. Also included as a...

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Lewisia 7.5ml

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Lewisia 7.5ml

The Range of Light consists of 48 extraordinary flower essences. They are prepared throughout the bio-region of the Sierra Nevada Range of Light, including its magnificent alpine mountain peaks and all that flows from these heights to create lava and granite outcroppings, verdant woodlands and oak savannahs, fertile river valleys, stunning coastal regions and pristine deserts. Also included as a...

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Lilac 7.5ml

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Lilac 7.5ml

Syringa vulgaris. Positive qualities: Deep wellsprings of memory that rejuvenate the soul, neurological regeneration through stimulation of memory forces that connect the soul with joy and life meaning Patterns of imbalance: Soul amnesia – inability to integrate or be nourished by past experiences of the soul, especially in early childhood; sadness, depression, or sense of burden due to a...

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Lungwort 7.5ml

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Lungwort 7.5ml

The Range of Light consists of 48 extraordinary flower essences. They are prepared throughout the bio-region of the Sierra Nevada Range of Light, including its magnificent alpine mountain peaks and all that flows from these heights to create lava and granite outcroppings, verdant woodlands and oak savannahs, fertile river valleys, stunning coastal regions and pristine deserts. Also included as a...

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Monkshood 7.5ml

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Monkshood 7.5ml

The Range of Light consists of 48 extraordinary flower essences. They are prepared throughout the bio-region of the Sierra Nevada Range of Light, including its magnificent alpine mountain peaks and all that flows from these heights to create lava and granite outcroppings, verdant woodlands and oak savannahs, fertile river valleys, stunning coastal regions and pristine deserts. Also included as a...

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Pussy Paws 7.5ml

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Pussy Paws 7.5ml

Calyptridium umbellatum. Positive qualities: Physical contact as a source of grace and gentleness in the soul; ability to touch and be touched with sensitivity and sensuality; softening of the soul forces toward greater receptivity Patterns of imbalance : Fear of being touched; unable to allow softer side to be recognized or experienced by others; sexual abuse or violence that hardens the...

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Red Larkspur 7.5ml

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Red Larkspur 7.5ml

The Range of Light consists of 48 extraordinary flower essences. They are prepared throughout the bio-region of the Sierra Nevada Range of Light, including its magnificent alpine mountain peaks and all that flows from these heights to create lava and granite outcroppings, verdant woodlands and oak savannahs, fertile river valleys, stunning coastal regions and pristine deserts. Also included as a...

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Redwood 7.5ml

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Redwood 7.5ml

Sequoia sempervirens. Positive qualities: Stature and majesty in physical incarnation; soul embrace of creative forces of growth and physical vitality Patterns of imbalance: Lack of physical strength, stature; hereditary or health issues that deplete vitality; stunted development of physical forces; spinal injuries or other afflictions to spinal health or bone structure.

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Rue 7.5ml

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Rue 7.5ml

The Range of Light consists of 48 extraordinary flower essences. They are prepared throughout the bio-region of the Sierra Nevada Range of Light, including its magnificent alpine mountain peaks and all that flows from these heights to create lava and granite outcroppings, verdant woodlands and oak savannahs, fertile river valleys, stunning coastal regions and pristine deserts. Also included as a...

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Shasta Lily 7.5ml

FES Organic Range Of Light Flower Essence Shasta Lily 7.5ml

The Range of Light consists of 48 extraordinary flower essences. They are prepared throughout the bio-region of the Sierra Nevada Range of Light, including its magnificent alpine mountain peaks and all that flows from these heights to create lava and granite outcroppings, verdant woodlands and oak savannahs, fertile river valleys, stunning coastal regions and pristine deserts. Also included as a...

FES Organic Research Flower Essence Apricot 7.5ml

FES Organic Research Flower Essence Apricot 7.5ml

FES receives many inquiries about the status of the research essences. They are so designated because they are not yet sufficiently researched to be included in the Flower Essence Repertory. Flower essences are on the leading edge of holistic therapy, and careful field research and case documentation is extremely important for the continued development of this new approach to mind-body health...