Ainsworths Original Dr. Bach Method Flower Essence Elm 10ml
Ainsworths Original Dr. Bach Method Flower Essence Elm 10ml

Price:   $20.95

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We take considerable care to produce flower remedies which are prepared and made in accordance with the clearly presented methods of Dr. Bach who made it very clear and, indeed, stated emphatically that the flower remedies were not homoeopathic preparations. Therefore, our essences are preserved only in brandy, at a 1:240 dilution of flower essence, closely following his original instructions. Consequently, they contain 417 times more flower essence than those made by 5x homoeopathic dilution.
Elm is a remedy for those who are overwhelmed by responsibility, leaving them feeling inadequate and worn out. At times there may be periods of depression when they feel that the task they have undertaken is too difficult, leaving them despondent and exhausted. This remedy may help the mind to become calmer enabling situations to be considered clearly, rationally and methodically.
  • Barcode: 05032587000550
  • SKU: 2619982
  • Shipping Weight: 0.01kg




Martin & Pleasance Ainsworths



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This product was added to our catalog on Friday 18 June, 2021.